Health Topics from "F" to "G"


FaintingSudden, temporary loss of consciousness due to insufficient oxygen reaching the brain.
FeverWhat to do when your temperature rises.
Fibroid tumors of the uterusAbnormal growth of cells in the muscular wall (myometrium) of the uterus.
FibromyalgiaA chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas of the neck, spine, shoulders and hips called "tender points."
Fibrosis, interstitial pulmonaryis characterized by the replacement of normal lung tissue with fibrous tissue.
Fibrositisinflammation or pain in the muscles, muscle sheaths and connective-tissue layers of tendons, muscles, bones and joints.
Filariasisis a disease that is caused by infection with a parasitic worm (filarial nematodes).
Food Poisoninga term commonly used to describe illnesses suspected of being caused by food eaten within the previous 48 hours.
FracturesA break, rupture or crack - especially in bone or cartilage - that is often painful. Most often caused by trauma, fractures may remain under the skin (closed) or break through (open).
Fungal Infectionscan occur anywhere on the skin and include athlete's foot (tinea pedis), nail fungus (onychomycosis or tinea unguium), jock itch (tinea cruris), ringworm (tinea corporis) scalp ringworm (tinea capitis) and other conditions.
Failure to thriveA child's abnormally low growth in height and weight during infancy and childhood. Physical problems or poor feeding may be responsible.
Fecal impactionThe trapping and buildup of stool in the colon or rectum.
Fibrocystic BreastsNoncancerous breast conditions, such as tenderness (mastalgia), lactating adenomas, lactational mastitis, nipple discharge, nonproliferative lesions (cysts, apocrine change, calcifications, fibroadenomas and hyperplasia), subareolar abscess and more.
FolliculitisInfection of hair follicles that occurs on the skin or scalp and resembles acne pimples or crusty sores. Itchiness and soreness are also common.
FrostbiteDamage to the skin from exposure to extremely cold temperatures, usually below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).


Gastroesophageal reflux diseaseis the backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus.
Gastrointestinal Bleedingis bleeding within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Generalized Anxiety DisorderThis disorder is characterized by chronic, excessive worry and fear about many aspects of life, including competence at work or school, finances, house repairs, etc.
Gingivitisinflammation or infection of the gums.
Glaucoma, acute angle-closurea condition of the eye in which the fluid that normally drains into and out of the eye is suddenly obstructed.
Glaucoma, chronicis an eye disease characterized by increased pressure within the eye.
Glomerulosclerosisrefers to transparent deposits or scarring that occurs as a result of damage within the kidney's glomeruli.
Gonorrheaan infectious disease of the reproductive organs that is sexually transmitted (venereal disease).
GoutRecurrent attacks of joint inflammation caused by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints, especially the base of the big toe.
Grand mal seizuresare caused by abnormal electrical activity of the brain.
Gynecomastiais a descriptive term for female breast development in the male.
GallstonesHard, stone-like masses formed from substances in bile, such as cholesterol or bilirubin, that develop in the gallbladder or bile ducts.
GangreneTissue death (necrosis) that occurs due to an interruption in blood supply to a body part.
GastritisInflammation or irritation of the stomach lining.
GastroenteritisAn inflammation or irritation of the linings of the stomach and intestines, often caused by infection, eating irritating food and emotional upsets.
Gestational diabetes mellitusA condition in which women develop type 2 diabetes during pregnancy, returning to normal after delivery in most cases.
GiardiasisA parasitic infection from eating contaminated food or unclean water.
Gilbert's syndromeThe lack of the liver enzyme that breaks down bilirubin, resulting in a buildup of bilirubin in the blood and jaundice.
Granuloma annulareA symmetrical rash made up of skin-colored bumps.
Granuloma, pyogenicSkin growth that appears as a small red, oozing and bleeding bump that resembles raw hamburger meat.
GriefThe emotional response, particularly of sorrow, over a great loss, such as the death of a loved one.
Guillain-barre syndromeA disorder where nerve damage inhibits muscle movement and may cause temporary paralysis.


Finasterideis used in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, which is also known as pattern baldness.
Fluconazoleused for the treatment of many fungal infections, especially candidiasis, athlete's foot, and cryptococcal meningitis.
Furosemidea loop diuretic used for the treatment of oedema associated with heart failure, liver disease with ascites, or kidney disease.
Gabapentinused as an adjunct in the treatment of partial epilepsy.